Best Beauty Tips After play Holi.

Best Beauty Tips After play Holi.

1. Wash off colour as soon as you're done playing. Do not try to scrub it all off in one day. If colours react with your skin, immediately wash with running water. Use lukewarm water and keep your eyes and lips tightly closed. In case of irritation, use a calamine lotion.

2. Lemon juice is the most powerful natural whitening agent and is particularly effective for fingers and nails. This should be applied and left for 15 to 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. Follw up with a rich moisturiser.

3. If the color doesn't come off, try warm olive oil. Gently rub skin with a soft cloth. Mix gram flour and curd till it becomes a smooth paste; then apply it to your face, and massage gently to remove leftover traces of colour.

4. Replenish the skin with a paste of soyabean flour or besan mixed with milk. You could also use a moisturising soap while scrubbing off colour (never rub skin vigorously). A mixture of sea salt, glycerine and a few drops of aromatic oil that has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects can repair the harm caused by chemical colours to some extent. Liberal use of a cold cream or a moisturiser thereafter is a must.

5. Shampoo hair with a mild shampoo, as soon as possible. Rinse with lemon juice to eliminate colour and beer to bring back shine; don't forget to use a conditioner. If your hair is too dry, use warm oil accompanied with a hot towel treatment the next day.

Pre and Post-Holi
Avoid bleaching, waxing or facials for a week, both before and after Holi and skin tends to be overly sensitive after these procedures
Best Beauty Tips After play Holi. Best Beauty Tips After play Holi. Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:07:00 Rating: 5