Top 11 Home Remedies For Vertigo

Top 11 Home Remedies For Vertigo

Best  Home Remedies For Vertigo:-

1.Vitamin C
Studies have linked an increase in vitamin C to a reduction in certain symptoms of vertigo, particularly vertigo associated with Meniere’s disease and other peripheral versions of this affliction. Adding in more fruits and vegetables, specifically spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and green peppers, can help keep you standing straight!

For inner ear infections or issues, one of the best remedies is garlic. First you can cook a chopped up clove of garlic in sesame oil until it is brown, and then remove the remaining oil from the pan. Once this oil has dried, use an eye-dropper and put the oil into your ear. The antioxidant and antibacterial combination of garlic and sesame oil can clear up the infection and help get your balance back.

3.Coriander Seeds
Some symptoms of vertigo can occur due to a mineral deficiency in the body that causes cognitive function to slow down or stumble. Coriander seeds happen to be packed with phytonutrients, as well as crucial minerals that the body needs to function. Soak the seeds overnight and then drink the resultant mixture in the morning for a quick remedy for vertigo, particularly if this is a chronic problem you have.

When it comes to a condition as strange as vertigo, where the world suddenly seems out of whack, perhaps trying an unusual approach is what you need! Acupressure is a key part of traditional Chinese medicine and contains a number of strategies and pressure points that are believed to directly impact vertigo symptoms.

5.Ginger Tea
Many people who suffer from this condition experience nausea when the world begins to spin, and if you count yourself among these suffering masses, consider ginger tea as a remedy. Few things are as soothing for the stomach as this powerful antiemetic, and it also soothes the mind and reduces anxiety, another trigger for vertigo.

6.Extra Hydration
A lack of water in the diet can cause vertigo symptoms, as even a small level of dehydration can cause dizziness. Water is the most important part of our body, and when the percentage drops by even a small amount, we can begin to feel the effects. Drinking a proper amount of water can keep our brain working properly and our feet flat on the ground.

Some of the key nutrients in almonds are vitamins B and E, which studies have directly linked to improving vertigo symptoms. You can allow almonds to soak overnight, grind them up, and then drink them with water or milk for the best effects.

8.Sleeping Well
Exhaustion can lead to slower cognitive function, as though your body is always catching up to your brain, or vice-versa. Many people who suffer from chronic vertigo complain of sleep issues as well, so if you want to wake up feeling properly balanced, make sure you get to bed at a decent hour!

For someone who wants to strengthen their inner sense of balance, optimize their metabolism, detoxify their body and improve their immune system, few daily practices are as valuable as yoga. When combined with meditation, this can help clear your mind and have your body follow suit.

10.Head Massage
Head massages can stimulate circulation in key parts of the head, and can also promote relaxation and stress relief. This can be done by yourself or by another person, but slow rotations near the temples and the area behind the ears is particularly good for relieving symptoms.

11.Cut out Salt
As mentioned above, dehydration is one of the main causes behind dizziness, and the more salt you have in your body, the more water will be retained, creating the sensation or illusion of dehydration. Try to cut back on sodium if you are experiencing vertigo on a regular basis.
Top 11 Home Remedies For Vertigo Top 11 Home Remedies For Vertigo Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:38:00 Rating: 5