Best 8 Exercises To Lose Arm Fat At Home
Simple & Effective Exercises to Lose Arm Fat

For this exercise, you do not need any equipment. Directly on the floor you can perform it.
How to Perform
Sit on the floor by keeping your legs and feet joined together.
Keep your hands on the floor shoulder width apart and a foot behind the hips. Your fingers should point the hips.
Bend your knees and keep the feet flat on the floor.
Straighten your arms and raise your hips. This will put weight on your arms.
Bend your left elbow and with the help of right arm which is still straight, lower your hips to the floor. Ensure not to touch the floor.
Now repeat the same move with the other arm.
2. Triceps Dips

How to Perform
Place the chair or the desk in a stable position.
Stand in front of the chair by keeping at least 3 feet distance.
Turn your back and place your hands on the chair or desk.
The hands should be shoulder width apart.
Move forward with 3 to 4 steps away from the chair or desk.
Straighten your upper body and bend the knees to be in line with the chair or desk height.
Now bend your elbows and lower your body as low as to the ground.
Come back to the normal position.
Performing 3 sets of 20 repetitions every day will help you to lose arm fat effectively.
3. Lateral Plank Walk
How to Perform
Lie on the floor on your stomach and then take the plank position by keeping your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
Keep your legs and feet joined together.
Your fingers should point outwards and your body should be in one straight line.
Move and keep your right hand on the left and move your left foot towards left.
Follow the same moves with the left hand and right foot.
Return to the initial plank position.
Pull your abs towards your spine and pelvis.
Reverse the direction and take 3 steps to the right.
4. Push-up
Targeting the pectoral and triceps brachii muscles, push-ups help you enormously to tone your upper arm by burning the fat in that area. The good thing about this resistance exercise is that to perform it you do not need dumbbells, barbells or other equipment’s. Here your body weight plays a major role to melt that stubborn fat accumulated in the arms. This exercise gives you the desired result by working on your triceps.
5. Scissors
How to Perform
Stand straight and keep your hands straight in front of you in shoulder height.
Now, stretch them to the sides and then bring back in front of you so that both the arms overlap each other like a pair of scissors.
Go back to the initial position and repeat the moves at least 20 times a day.
Perform this simple but effective exercise at least 15 to 2o minutes to tone up your arms by burning the deposited fat in that area.
6. Weight Lift
How to Perform
Choose an item from your home, such as a 2.5 liter water bottle, which you can use as the weight.
Sit straight on a chair and hold the 2.5 liter water bottle with both the hands and lift it over your head.
Keep your arms straight by holding the water bottle.
Now lower the water bottle by taking it behind your back.
Lower the water bottle as low as you can.
Now slowly move the water bottle up above your head by holding it in both your hands.
Move the bottle as slow as possible as the slow movement will tone your arms more effectively.
Perform 3 sets of 20 reps of this exercise daily.
Note: Take a 1-minute break after the completion of each set for better performance. You can also increase the weight gradually to lose the arm fats easily and with less time.
7. Hand Exercises
This combination of various hand exercises is very simple but effective to lose arm fat. There is no need to go to a gym to perform these exercises. You can very well do these at the comfort of your home. These exercises work on the upper portion of the arm where the fats get deposited easily. Perform this exercise regularly and get those super toned arms.
How to Perform
Stand straight on the floor.
Keep your feet shoulder width apart.
Raise your arms till shoulder height and your fingers should point outwards.
Now, move your hands in forward circular movements for 30 seconds.
After you complete the forward circular movements, then start doing the backward circular movements for 30 seconds.
Now bend your elbows and your fingers should point to the roof.
Move your elbows forward and backward for 30 seconds.
It will make your biceps flexible.
After completing the movements of the elbows forward and backward, now join your elbows. Your fingers should point towards the roof.
Move your joined elbows upwards till the jaw line and come back to the initial position.
Do these movements for 30 seconds.
Perform this combination of hand exercises regularly to lose arm fat.
8. Opposite Arm and Leg Lift

How to Perform
On the floor, hold your body raised with the help of your hands and knees.
Your knees should be placed below your hips and your hands below the shoulder.
Now raise your right hand and straighten it with the fingers pointing forward.
At the same time raise and straighten your left leg backward.
Be in this position for some time and then return to the initial position.
Repeat the same process with the left hand and right leg.
Perform this exercise 15 to 20 times.
Tips to Prevent Arm Fat
It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. So if you will be able to prevent the arm fat at the first place then it is well and good.
Have a Proper Diet
The first and foremost thing to prevent arm fat is to give proper attention to your diet as improper diet leads to the accumulation of fat in the body, which is one of the major causes of arm fat.
So have a proper diet by including a lot of fruits and vegetable in your daily diet. It will not only make you full but also supply lower calories to your body.
Include fiber-rich food to increase the metabolism rate, which will burn the calories and help to burn the arm fat. And at the same time fiber-rich food also keeps you full for longer period of time.
Eat a diet with more lean protein and slow-burning carbohydrates.
Eat Smaller Meals
So have a proper diet by including a lot of fruits and vegetable in your daily diet. It will not only make you full but also supply lower calories to your body.
Include fiber-rich food to increase the metabolism rate, which will burn the calories and help to burn the arm fat. And at the same time fiber-rich food also keeps you full for longer period of time.
Eat a diet with more lean protein and slow-burning carbohydrates.
Eat Smaller Meals
Have smaller meals and at regular intervals. It will make you feel full and you will consume less food.
Best 8 Exercises To Lose Arm Fat At Home
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni