Top ten Instant Beauty tips that women should Know

Instant beauty tips

We all secretly desire for long, lustrous hair and flawless complexion. In this post, we have covered an exhaustive list of beauty tips for getting fair skin at home. But this isn’t all about just face packs. We have also tried to cover specific foods and other skin care basics that are often ignored or overlooked.

We often try fairness creams, face scrubs and other beauty serums available in the market. No harm in trying beauty products to look your best at all occasions. However, if you have homemade face packs and scrubs to look beautiful naturally, will you still opt for synthetic products? Moreover, all the ingredients for homemade face packs are readily available in your kitchen. So you really don’t need to invest in expensive lotions to have a glowing skin. Following some simple habits and eating right is the easiest way to look gorgeous always.

Lack of time makes it impossible to take care of your skin at home, so you have to wait till Sunday to do a quick five minute face cleanup. That is not enough if you desire a healthy fair skin. You actually don’t need to work really hard on it; using simple homemade packs will repair the damages from within and give you the desired complexion.

You need to realize that protecting your skin from further damage is important. Otherwise, all your attempts will be of no use as your skin will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results!

Tips 1  -  Lemon Mask

Cut the lemon and apply the lemon juice on your face and neck regions. Leave it for 20 min then rinse your face with cold water.

Tips 2  -  Rose petals, Milk cream Face Pack


·      Rose petals

·      Milk cream

·      Almond powder

Grind the rose petals and add it with above ingredients and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 min then rinse your face.

Tips 3  -  Honey ,Pine apple, Papaya Face Pack


·      Honey – 1 tsp

·      Pine apple

·      Papaya

Crush the papaya and pineapple together then add the honey. Apply this fruit pack on your face. Leave it for 20 min then rinse your face. This fruit pack also cure your oily skin.

Tips 4  -   Sandal wood and Toamto Face Pack:


·      Sandal wood powder

·      Tomato juice

·      Cucumber juice

·      Lemon juice

Mix the above all ingredients and make a fine paste. Apply this skin whitening face pack on the skin. Then wait for it to get fully dried. It helps you have bright and light colored skin.

Tips 5   -  Almond and Honey Face Pack


·      Almond

·      Honey

Soak the almonds overnight. The next morning, peel them and grind them, to make a fine paste. Now, add honey to it and apply it on the face. Once dried, scrub it off. It would leave the skin whiter and glowing.

Tips 6    -   Cleanse, Tone And Moisturize Face Pack

For instant glowing natural and fair skin, always keep these mantras in mind. Follow the CTM (cleansing, toning and moisturizing) routine regularly without skipping it.

Cleansing: The first and the foremost step towards fairness is cleaning religiously. It is always better to invest in good cleanser which suits your skin best and avoid soaps as it tends to dry out the skin.

Toning: The second step is to add hydration to the skin. Toners make your skin smooth and supple. They contribute towards making skin tighter and closing all your skin open pores thereby making you instantly fair and clear.

Moisturizing: No skin care routine is complete without this step. Always apply moisturizer and do not skip this step. Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type. If your skin is dry then you would need a heavy moisturizer whereas for oily and combination skin, a light oil-free moisturizer will work. To get best results choose a moisturizer which has fairness properties and also SPF to get protection against sun damage.

Tips 7.  Compact Powder Face Pack

Powder is an essential step to set makeup and add protection. Invest in fairness radiance powders or mineral loose powders that will even out your skin and make you look fairer instantly. The added advantage of applying powder is, it will keep your skin oil free and fresh all day. Today you also have a choice of translucent powders which help to control oil and even out skin without leaving a white or yellow cast on your skin.

Tips 8.  Honey and Tea Water Face Pack

A simple face pack with the right ingredients can give you the effect of an expensive beauty treatment. Honey and tea water has good free radical properties that work down the skin and help in skin lightening immediately. Rice flour acts as a very good scrub and honey moisturizers the skin. Start by mixing 1 cup of cooled tea water, 2 spoons of rice flour and ½ a spoon of honey. Blend the ingredients and apply it on your face. Leave it on till the mask dries. This beauty recipe will give you a fairer and even skin tone instantly.

Tips 9 -  Sleep Well

If you don’t sleep it shows on your face. You look irritated and tired. The solution is don’t skip your beauty sleep and do not stay awake till late hours in the night. Lack of sleep cause the blood vessels to dilate and this result in dark circles.

The skin undergoes repairing, restoration and rebalancing while you are sleeping. The dead skin cells give away to newer cells and the face gets an instant lift. All the hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body while you are sleeping. So lack of sleep disrupts the body processes. Seven to eight hours of sleep is absolutely needed if you want a healthy skin. However, don’t oversleep it can cause cell breakdown, maintain a balance.

Fix your sleeping and waking time. Sleep on a soft pillow and also make sure the pillow cover is also soft.

Tips10-   Exercise

You must exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. If you have skin problem like acne, psoriasis and rosacea take ample precautions before exercising, but don’t let skin problems hinder your active life. Dermatologists say that exercise helps to increase blood circulation that itself boosts skin health.

When you do any physical activity the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, including your skin cells and makes it healthy. Exercise also helps to remove cellular debris and free radicals from the body and cleanse it from within. Sometimes, stress causes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum and this triggers skin problems like eczema and acne. Exercise helps to de-stress and this keeps skin problems at bay. Most important, exercise tones your body and makes you look beautiful.

Top ten Instant Beauty tips that women should Know Top ten Instant Beauty tips that women should Know Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 06:01:00 Rating: 5