home remedies for dizziness


The term ‘dizziness’ means different things to different people: some use it to describe feeling lightheaded or off balance, while others use it to describe the feeling that their surroundings are spinning. Because the symptom is quite vague and can be caused by a wide range of factors, finding a way to stop or prevent feelings of dizziness can be a process of trial and error. Here are a selection of things you can try to stop feeling dizzy.
How to Stop Dizziness at home
1.Sit or lie down.
 Dizziness or light-headedness usually hits when you are standing up or moving around. At the first signs of dizziness or light-headedness, sit or lie down immediately. This will usually help to relieve the spinning sensation and is safer in the event that you fall.
If you're sitting down, try putting your head between your legs. This increases the blood flow to your brain. Lying down will achieve the same result.
Remain seated or lying down for 1-2 minutes, or until the dizziness has passed.

2.Drink water.
Dizziness is often the result of dehydration. Dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water generally or failing to rehydrate during and after exercise. It can also be an issue when you're suffering from an illness that causes vomiting, diarrhea or fever, which can cause you to lose a lot of fluid. Once the worst of the dizziness has passed, you should drink more water and other fluids.
If you're finding it difficult to drink a lot of water, try drinking other fluids like energy drinks, hot tea with a little sugar, soups and broths, or diluted fruit juices.

3.Breathing properly can also relieve you from the problem of dizziness. Count from one to five as you inhale, and again count back from five to one as you exhale. In the process, try to fill up your belly with air by imagining that there is a place below your naval region, which you have to fill up. This is actually the process of deep breathing, and it provides an adequate amount of oxygen to the brain and thus, relaxes the nervous system and is good for dizziness.

4. Indian Gooseberry and Coriander Seeds
Both the ingredients together make for a terrific herbal remedy for dizziness. Indian gooseberries are a rich source of vitamin A and C. De seed them and make a paste out of them. Add 2 tsp of coriander seeds and a glass of water to them. Leave the mix overnight. Strain it the next morning and consume it. It will cure the existing dizziness and will prevent the causes and symptoms of dizziness in future.

5. Nutmeg Powder and Cumin Seeds
This one is supposed to be consumed if you suffer from dizziness, periodically. Mix together both the ingredients- nutmeg and cumin seed powder. Mix well and consume it thrice a day for beneficial treatment against dizziness.

6. Exercises
Simple exercises can be really helpful in solving the complex problem of dizziness. All you need to do is to stand straight and move your neck in both directions- clockwise and anti-clockwise. Similarly, you can stand and concentrate at one fixed point and simply blink your eyes. It will keep your nervous system alert and steadier and won’t cause problems, like dizziness and fatigue.

7. Mustard and Salt
This method is also effective for keeping up a smooth blood circulation. Mix mustard, salt, vinegar and pepper in equal proportions. Add a glass of water to it and consume it to say bye to dizziness.

8. Massage
Massage has its own calming and soothing properties to squelch various ailments, and it can efficaciously treat the problem of dizziness as well. Massage boosts blood circulation in your body, thus relaxing your nervous system, which can cure the problem of dizziness. Go for a lavender oil massage for the added benefits.

9. Yogurt
Yogurt does more good to your body than harm, and that is why, research has proven its goodness in the treatment of dizziness. Whenever you feel dizziness or even initiating symptoms of dizziness, have a bowl full of yogurt to get a relief from the problem. You can also add fresh fruit slices to it.

10.Avoid using caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Excessive use of these substances can worsen your signs and symptoms.

home remedies for dizziness home remedies for dizziness Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 01:42:00 Rating: 5