natural remedies for kidney stones removal

 kidney stones removal

Natural remove stones from kidney
1. Pomegranate
Both the seeds and juice of pomegranates have astringent properties that can help in the treatment of kidney stones.
Try to eat one whole pomegranate or drink one glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice daily. You can mix pomegranate in a fruit salad also.
Another option is to grind one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds into a fine paste. Eat this paste along with a cup of horse gram soup once daily. This remedy will help dissolve the stones. You can find horse gram in Indian markets.
2. Nettle Leaf

The nettle leaf helps maintain the flow of water through the kidneys and bladder, thus promoting smooth urination. At the same time, nettle leaf helps keep crystals from forming into stones and keeps bacteria away. Nettle tea will also enhance the benefits of water by acting as a natural diuretic.
Add two teaspoons of dried nettle leaf to a cup of hot water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain it.
Drink two to three cups of nettle tea daily for several weeks.
3. Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is traditionally used as a home remedy to expel gallbladder stones but it can also be used to treat kidney stones. The citric acid present in lemons helps break down calcium-based kidney stones and stops further growth.
Take four tablespoons or a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice.
Add an equal amount of olive oil.
Drink this mixture followed by plenty of water.
Do this two to three times a day, up to three days. You need not continue this remedy if you pass the stones in a single dose.
Warning: This remedy may not be suitable for passing large kidney stones. Make sure you consult a doctor before taking this remedy.
4. Magnesium
Studies show that people with recurrent kidney stones who took magnesium supplements had a 92.3 percent improvement rate in reduction of kidney stones. 300 mg of magnesium orotate is recommended daily for prevention and reduction of stones.
5. Organic Celery

Celery for Kidney Stones
Celery in vegetable form and celery seed are great urine-promoters and kidney tonics. Regular use of celery seed, as a spice or as a tea, may prevent kidney stone formation.
6. Basil

A kidney tonifier, basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney stones, try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice with raw honey daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.
7. Change in Diet
Unhealthy food intake is a primary cause of kidney stones. Cut down on the amount of soda and energy drinks you consume. Avoid processed foods and alcoholic beverages. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet, especially those listed above.

natural remedies for kidney stones removal natural remedies for kidney stones removal Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:02:00 Rating: 5