homemade beauty tips before going party

Homemade beauty tips

1.Appear Thinner
A few days before the party, cut out carbs and dairy and stick to lean proteins and vegetables. Carbs encourage the body to retain water, while dairy's slow digestion leads to body bloat, according to nutritionist Kimberly Snyder in an interview with "Harper's Bazaar" magazine. She recommends eating strategically before the party, filling up on water-rich vegetables like watermelon, leafy greens, cucumbers, celery and asparagus which can help fill you up and flush out any water weight. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking as much water as you can handle. In addition to flushing out your system, extra water will help curb your appetite. Stay away from sodas and anything with fizz, as they're guaranteed to cause bloat.
2.Make Your Skin Glow
Facials are a pre-event "do" -- but not on the day of the event. Book your appointment at least two days in advance, so your skin has a chance to settle down after the rigorous attention of your facialist. The night before the event, exfoliate your entire body with a dry brush massage. This simple treatment involves rubbing a natural bristle brush over dry skin to help remove dead skin cells. Follow with your favorite moisturizer for dewy, radiant skin.
3.Get Amazing Hair
Make any drastic changes to your hair, whether a cut or color, several days before the party. While the fresh-out-of-the-salon look is always a head turner, major changes to your hair require a few days' cushion -- just in case something goes wrong. Five days before a party is enough time to fix any mishap -- five hours is not. If you're not planning a major hair rehaul, then a volumizing shampoo is your mane's most important ally, followed by a three- to five-minute deep-conditioning hair mask. Together, they'll give your tresses extra body and major shine. If split ends are a problem, rub some hair wax on the tips to temporarily smooth out and seal them.
4.Sleep Well
Nothing beats a night of beauty rest to make you look your very best. Not only is sleep necessary to help you stay alert and focused, it also helps your complexion. While the body is at rest, skin cells regenerate and facial muscles relax, softening any lines that may have formed during the day, sleep specialist Rubin Naiman says in "Fitness" magazine. An early bedtime gives your skin ample time to recover and rejuvenate.
5. Honey & Lemon

Take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix it till the honey dissolves properly. Moisten your face and apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Both honey and lemon works as a natural bleacher, which makes your skin glowing and radiant instantly. Wash your face thoroughly with cold water.
6. Oats

Oats work as a great scrubber and give your skin the shine and smoothness. Take ½ cup of oats and pour a little warm water in it. Leave it for 5 minutes. Water will help in forming a thick paste. Apply it on your face and gently rub and massage in a circular motion with your fingers. Rub harder around and on the nose to remove blackheads, for 15 minutes. Then, wash off with cold water. This will make your skin smooth and fair
7. Fuller’s Earth
Soak fuller’s earth in water and leave it for 10 minutes. Make a paste and apply it on your face. Now, wash off the mask from your skin when it’s wet. Don’t let it dry. This will make your skin even glowier.
8. Olive Oil
Take a few drops of olive oil and apply it on the cheekbones, where you usually put on the blusher. This will give your face an instant glow. You can also use coconut oil or jojoba oil.
9. Sugar
Take some sugar. Add lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil to it. Mix it well and use it as a face scrubber. Olive oil will moisten your skin, sugar will remove dead cells, and lemon juice will naturally bleach your skin.
10. Turmeric
Take turmeric powder and mix lemon juice in it. Make a paste and apply it on your skin. Do not take too much turmeric or else you will end up with a yellow face instead of glowing skin. Let the mask dry, and then, wash off thoroughly with cold water.

homemade beauty tips before going party homemade beauty tips before going party Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 23:30:00 Rating: 5