7 Bad Effects of Cellphone on Health

7 Bad Effects of Cellphone on Health

1. Computer Vision Syndrome

Staring at the tiny font in your texts and scrolling through dozens of tweets can lead to eyestrain, blurred vision, dizziness, and dry eyes. And blurred vision plus sore neck muscles can also cause headaches.
If you're experiencing eye discomfort, make your phone's font size bigger. Mark Rosenfield, O.D., Ph.D., told Men's Health that phone users should try to hold their phones at least 16 inches away from their faces. Every few minutes look up from your screen at something far away for short breaks, and don't forget to blink.

2.Wastage of Time and Money

People are wasting lot of their time in sending unnecessary sms (messages) to one another through their mobile phones. This is totally wastage of time and money.

3.Loss of Hearing

The radiation emitted by cell phones can damage delicate workings of the inner ear. People who are subjected to long-term mobile phone use are at a higher risk of developing hearing loss.Today, there are ever-increasing numbers of people between 18 and 25 years suffering from hearing loss. Doctors consider excessive use of cell phones and other gadgets a major reason behind it. A person who spends more than two to three hours on the cell phone every day runs the risk of partial deafness over three to five years. Apart from trying to reduce the mobile phone use, slow down the ringer volume. Avoid hearing too much music on the phone.

4.Risks to the Unborn pregnant

Another Research says that usage of Cell phones during pregnancy slows down the rate of brain development of the fetus or may lead to hyper activity. In a renowned research, there were two cages of pregnant mice one with a mobile phone and the other without it. When the mice gave birth, the offsprings of the two cages remarkably differed.  The progeny of the mice who were kept in the cage with cell phone were more active and their memory was lesser than those born of the mice in the cage without mobile phones. The scientist had enough biological reasons to explain that why and how the results could be duplicated in humans! The rise in behavioral disorders in children these days could be partly attributed to the fact that their mothers must have used Mobiles during pregnancy. Also, radiations emitted by mobile phones can lead to miscarriage.  One should avoid cell phones during pregnancy and in case of a necessity; the safest bet is to keep it as far as possible.

5. Negative Effects On Teenagers

Parents are not aware about the activities of their children. Teenagers’ boys and girls communicate each other through their mobile phones and do negative kind of activities. This is very dangerous and major negative impact of mobile phone on your society. Our new generation is totally destroyed by this negative aspect of mobile phones.

6.General Sickness.

It won’t be wrong if I say that Your cell phone is making you sick! All that tapping, typing, and swiping may make your mobile screen as germ-packed as your computer keyboard, You have just washed your hands from a disinfectant soap and it is the time for your meals when the mobile screen flashes. There’s a text, you read and reply and begin to gallop the healthy meal. Well! Everything ain’t  as healthy as you have assumed it to be. The moment you touch the mobile screen, 20% to 30% of all virus and bacteria were transmitted to your hands and finally into your body. You might not fall sick the very next day but believe me it has hazardous long- term consequences.

7.Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Use On Our Health

Mobile phones especially poor quality mobile phones have a great negative effects on our health. The raditions emerged from these mobile phones cause many serious health issues. According to a new researh mobile phones are greatly contaminated with different types of microorganisms especially bacteria which cause a lot of diseases.

7 Bad Effects of Cellphone on Health 7 Bad Effects of Cellphone on Health Reviewed by JACK on 08:36:00 Rating: 5