Home remedies for Brain fever
Home remedies for Brain fever

Additional reasons for a fever are a response to immunization in children, ear infections, urinary tract infections, certain inflammatory diseases, gastroenteritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and blood clots. Sudden change in the weather and unhygienic lifestyle may also contribute to a fever.
1. Tulsi tea- Add one teaspoon of tulsi leaves to one cup of hot water, steep for five minutes, and drink three to four times a day. A high fever should be gone by the next day. Other herbs that can encourage sweating and bring out a fever are peppermint, elderflowers and yarrow.
2.Spice can help a fever-Sprinkle cayenne pepper on your foods when you have a fever. One of its main components is capsaicin, the alarmingly hot ingredient that’s found in hot peppers. Cayenne makes you sweat and also promotes rapid blood circulation.
3.Warm baths-We do warm baths with epsom salts or magnesium and a sprinkle of powdered ginger to help alleviate muscle aches. Peppermint tea also works for head/muscle aches associated with an illness.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar-Apple cider vinegar is another very inexpensive and highly effective remedy for a fever. It helps reduce a fever quickly because the acid present in it helps draw heat out of the skin. Plus, it is rich in minerals and helps replenish minerals that get eliminated from the body due to fever.
Add one-half cup of vinegar to lukewarm bath water. Soak in this water for five to 10 minutes. In about 20 minutes you will notice improvement. Repeat again when the body temperature is high.
Soak a washcloth in a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar and two parts cool water. Wring out the excess solution and place it on your forehead and tummy. You can even wrap one around the soles of your feet. Once the washcloth becomes warm, change it with a new one soaked in the cool mixture. Repeat as often as required until the fever has reduced.
Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. Drink it two or three times a day.
5.lime tea-For a high fever, soak 25 raisins in half a cup of water. Crush the raisins into the water and strain. Add the juice from a half of a lime to the water and drink twice a day.
Home remedies for Brain fever
Reviewed by JACK