Home Remedies for Body Odor

Home Remedies for Body Odor
     Pretty much everyone gets worried about their body odor at some point or another. Who hasn't done the (hopefully) subtle armpit check? Fortunately there are ways that you can find fast relief, as well as steps you can take to become more hygienic and eliminate body odor for good.

1. Use Vinegar to Get Rid of Body Odor
For the same reason which makes witch hazel a good remedy for body odor, vinegar too can be used to get yourself rid of your body smell. Vinegar can also lower the pH level of your skin so that you feel fresh for the whole day without worrying about your body odor. You can use vinegar in more than one ways.
Ways to use white vinegar for body odor
Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply to your underarms.
Store vinegar in a sprayer and spray it under your arms after having bath. Don’t use any deodorant after using vinegar.
Dilute some white vinegar in a mug of water while having bath and rinse your underarms with this water.
Don’t use vinegar just after shaving as this may burn your already abrased skin.
However, many people may not get the benefit of vinegar while they try to remove their body odor. They may use lemon juice for body odor which is our next natural remedy.

2.Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a powerful bacteria-fighting ingredient. It also helps eliminate body odor by balancing the pH level of your skin.
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on your underarms. Wait two to three minutes and then take your shower. Follow this remedy twice daily, once in the morning and again before going to bed, until you notice improvement.
Alternatively, add one cup of apple cider vinegar to lukewarm bath water. Soak in this water for 10 minutes once daily.

You can also add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar along with a little honey to a glass of warm water. Drink it three times daily before eating your meals.

3.Stay hydrated.
 Drinking plenty of liquid throughout the day can help to wash out the toxins in your body. This can help to promote good gut health, which in turn can make you less smelly.

The average adult woman generally needs 2.2 liters (0.6 US gal) of water, while the average adult man generally needs 3 liters (0.8 US gal).

4.Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is great for treating body odor. The acidic property of lemon juice helps lower the skin’s pH level, which in turn makes it difficult for odor-producing bacteria to survive.
Cut one fresh lemon into two halves. Rub one half of the lemon on your underarms. Make sure the juice gets onto your skin. Allow it to dry on its own, and then take your shower. Follow this remedy once daily until the odor is gone completely.
If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the juice from half a lemon in one-half cup of water and apply it to your underarms using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Do this once daily until you notice improvement.

5.Turnip Juice Remedy for Body Odor

A rich source of vitamin C and many other nutrients, turnip not only makes delicious recipes but also helps in eliminating body odor. This is an Ayurvedic remedy and it seems, turnip helps in eliminating odor creating bacteria.
Get this:
Turnip- 1
Do this:
Cut the turnip into pieces and then crush them to make a paste out of it.
Place the turnip paste into the sieve and press to get its juice.
Apply this turnip juice to your underarms and groin area.
Let it dry off by itself.
That’s all, this turnip juice application on your most sweating body parts will check your body odor for at least 10 hours or so.

Home Remedies for Body Odor Home Remedies for Body Odor Reviewed by JACK on 21:32:00 Rating: 5