Eye Hair Growth Tips, Tips for Grow Your Eye Lashes

Eye Hair Growth Tips

Tips for Grow Your Eye Lashes

1.Olive Oil

Apply olive oil to your lashes. This will help them grow longer and stronger. This is one of the best home remedies to get long eyelashes.

2.Trim Your Eyelashes

This really helps. You can trim your lashes once every two to three months. Just trim a small part (1/4th). Trimming your lashes will stimulate the follicle of your eyelashes and makes them grow faster.

3.Almond Oil

Rich in vitamin E and antioxidant qualities, almond oil too can help the lashes to thrive under its nourishment and care. Apply before bedtime and leave overnight ad morning as well for optimum results. It is important to clean the oil with warm water after each application of an oil to prevent the clogging of pores. Clogged pores can inhibit eyelash growth again and can also cause acne on your skin.

4.Lemon Peel

Lemon peel can be used along with olive oil or castor oil in order to increase the stimulation capacity of the oils and add volume and growth to your eyelashes. For preparing a potent oil with lemon peel, take adequate amounts of olive oil or castor oil and add a slice of moderately dried lemon peel into it.

5. Coconut Oil And Lavender Essential Oil

DIY Eyelash Growth Boosting Recipe
What You Need:
1/2 teaspoon coconut oil (see it here)
2-4 drops lavender essential oil (see it here)
How To Use It
Mix the coconut oil and lavender together and use your finger or a cotton swab to apply it along your eyelash roots down to the ends of your eyelashes.

6. Massage Eyelids

Massaging the eyelid area and near the lashes helps increase blood flow and circulation, which encourages your lashes to grow! This made perfect sense to me when I found this tip as I also do it for my hair! Every night I massage my scalp to help increase hair growth.
Just use your fingers (be sure to wash your hands first) to gently massage the eyelid area along the lashes. Preferably, do it once a day or at least a few times a week.

7.Healthy eating

Make sure your intake of food is healthy. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables so that intake of vitamins and proteins inside the body increases. Also, add whole grain items in your meal. Fish, red and white meat is also very essential for the health and growth of eyelashes. Indeed, a better health inside increases the beauty of the body outside.
Eye Hair Growth Tips, Tips for Grow Your Eye Lashes Eye Hair Growth Tips, Tips for Grow Your Eye Lashes Reviewed by JACK on 08:23:00 Rating: 5