How to Apply Lenses Easily
How to Apply Lenses Easily
First off, try not to think of it as putting contacts in your eyes—you’re not. You’re placing contacts on your eyes, where they rest comfortably and help you see clearly. Now let’s get to the actual process. This is probably the easiest way to put in contacts
1. Wash your hands.
You want to ensure you don’t accidentally carry any dust, germs, or makeup to your contact lens as that could irritate your eyes. Also, use plain soap without any heavy moisturizers or perfumes. Rinse well and dry your hands. Again, this is to prevent transmitting anything unwanted to your eyes. Now let’s insert the contact lenses.
2.Properly care for your contact lenses whenever they’re not in use. This basically means two things
Always store your contacts in contact lens solution, unless you're wearing disposable lenses. Contact lens solution helps to clean, rinse, and disinfect your lenses.
Dispose of your contact lenses by the recommended date. Most lenses fall into one of three categories: dispose daily, dispose semi-weekly, or dispose monthly. Check your contact lenses for the recommended disposal date and don't wear them much longer than that.
3.Remove one contact from its case.
Unless the prescription is the same for both, remember to check whether it’s for your right or left eye.
4.Using the middle finger of the right hand, pull the lower lid down
Watching in the mirror with your left eye, bring the lens toward your right eye
5.Hold your eyelid and insert your contact lens.
Just use your free hand to hold up your eyelid and insert the lens. Many choose to look away as the contact lens goes onto the eye. You can do this, or you’re free to look straight at the lens, too. Either way is fine.
How to Apply Lenses Easily
Reviewed by JACK