How to Make Your Eyes Whiter
How to Make Your Eyes Whiter

Tips- Make Your Eyes Whiter
1. Sleep Well
Lack of proper sleep is the main culprit behind the eyes looking tired, red and puffy. A proper night’s sleep is the biggest secret to making your eyes appear fresh and bright. By proper sleep, we mean a good night’s rest, not napping for short durations at intervals.
Lack of sleep will probably make you more cranky and irritated. It will, apart from making the eyes appear red and swollen, also lead to the formation of dark circles under the eyes which steal away your beauty.
The amount of sleep required to lead a healthy and active life may vary from one individual to the other, but an average adult requires 6 to 8 hours of proper sleep.
Another handy tip to make eyes whiter is sleeping straight on the back instead of sleeping sideways and with the neck a bit elevated.
Natural clear face tips are incomplete without the inclusion of raw milk into it. Cold milk is one of the most nourishing home remedies for bright eyes that reduces puffiness and tiredness of eyes. If you feel that you are looking tired these days, try this great milk treatment to soothe and relax your eyes. Take a cup full of ice cold milk. Throw in few cotton balls and let them soak for a minute. Lie down in a relaxed position. Place a towel under your head and tightly close your eyes. Place these milk soaked cotton balls on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash your face and moisturize as usual.
3.Eye Drops
There are plenty of eye drops out there claiming to make the whites of your eyes brighter, but for quick results when you need them most, try these Innoxa Blue Drops. The drops are blue in color, which will counteract the red or yellow tint in your eye, making them appear brighter and whiter. Be careful not to use them on a regular basis, as you can get what’s called “rebound redness,” which basically means that your eyes will look white a few minutes after using the drops, and then the redness will return hours later with continued use.
4.Exercise the Eyes
You can try some simple eye exercises to relax your eyes. It works better if you can practice these just before going to bed. Take a pen and move it horizontally and vertically in front of your eyes. Try to focus your eyes on the tip of the pen.
5.Cold Compress
You may have used a cold compress for puffy or swollen eyes, but they actually work to make your eyes brighter, too. Fill a bowl with very cold water and ice, then soak a washcloth in the bowl until it’s saturated. Wring out excess water, fold up the washcloth horizontally, and lay it over your eyes for 5-10 minutes a few times a day. You’ll see a reduction in redness, and a bonus reduction in fluid retention
6.Drink plenty of water
Bright white eyes rely on adequate hydration, and keeping your body hydrated will help replenish your body’s fluids, thus reducing puffiness and redness in your eyes. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of plain water every day, or approximately 64 ounces.
7.Keep Your Sunglasses On
Just as the sun can damage your skin, it can damage your eyes, too. Overexposure to sunlight can yellow your eyes after time, so be sure to keep your UVA/UVB protected lenses on at all times while it’s sunny outside.
How to Make Your Eyes Whiter
Reviewed by JACK