Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds, Top 5 Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

As stated earlier, watermelon seeds are a rich source of nutrients and minerals and therefore, should not be discarded. These seeds have a hard outer covering so they should be chewed before swallowing to get their nutritional content. Some of the health benefits of watermelon seeds are given below.
Top 5 Benefits:-

Watermelon seeds are very high in protein, with 1 cup of dried seeds containing 30.6g, which is 61 percent of the daily recommended value. The protein in watermelon seeds consists of several amino acids, one of which is arginine. While the body produces some arginine, MedlinePlus states that some health conditions may benefit from additional arginine. Some of the health benefits of arginine include regulating blood pressure and treating coronary heart disease. Several other amino acids make up the protein in watermelon seeds, including tryptophan, glutamic acid, and lysine.

2. Low Calorie
One ounce of watermelon seeds contains approximately 158 calories. That’s not much lower than an ounce of Lay’s Potato Chips (160 calories), but let’s take a look at what constitutes an ounce. There are approximately 400 watermelon seeds in a single ounce, far too many to eat in one sitting. By contrast, there are only 15 potato chips in an ounce, far less than most people would normally munch in one sitting.
A large handful of watermelon seeds weighs about 4 grams, which contains about 56 seeds and just 22 calories. Far less than a bag of potato chips!

3.Watermelon seed oil
Watermelon seed oil also removes sebum, dirt and grease that build up in your skin pores and are responsible for causing acne and giving a dull appearance to your skin. This oil is suitable for all skin types including dry, oily, acne prone and maturing skin.

4. Iron
A handful of watermelon seeds contains about 0.29 mg of iron. It might not seem like much, but the FDA only recommends adults get 18 mg in their day. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin — carrying oxygen through the body. It also helps your body convert calories into energy.

5.Nervous System
These seeds are excellent sources of multivitamin B and can replace some of the supplements. Vitamin B present in watermelon seeds comprises of niacin, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. B vitamins are vital for maintaining healthy blood, nervous system and effective immune response.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds, Top 5 Benefits of Watermelon Seeds Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds, Top 5 Benefits of Watermelon Seeds Reviewed by JACK on 03:22:00 Rating: 5