Home Remedies for Polio, Natural Treaentmt of Polio, Polio Treaentmt at Home

 Natural Treaentmt of Polio

At one point of time, polio was one of the most feared diseases in the world because it not only caused paralysis but also led to death. This is not a new disease and has been bothering the people since thousands of years now. Polio is a contagious disease which spreads through direct person to person contact, with infected phlegm, faeces, mucus or by contact with food or faeces contaminated with another infected individual. It is caused by an extremely infectious entero-virus, poliovirus (PV). This virus multiplies in the gastrointestinal tract from where it attacks the nervous system causing permanent neurological damage to some of them.

Symptoms of polio :-

There are two forms of polio

Minor poliomyelitis (also called abortive poliomyelitis) occurs primarily in young children, and is the more common of the two forms. The illness is mild, and the brain and spinal cord are not affected. Symptoms appear three to five days after exposure to the virus and include slight fever, headache, sore throat, vomiting, lack of appetite, and a general feeling of illness and discomfort.
Major poliomyelitis is a more severe illness that develops approximately 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, stiff neck and back, and deep muscle pain. Some people experience temporary abnormalities of skin sensation. Muscle spasms and a tendency to retain urine are common.
Muscle weakness and paralysis may develop rapidly or gradually during the time fevers occur, but paralysis does not continue to get worse afterwards. The disease most commonly affects the strength of muscles of the legs. It can also affect strength in the muscles of the arms and abdomen. When polio affects strength in the muscles of the neck and throat, it causes difficulty speaking and swallowing. The most life-threatening form of polio causes weakness of the muscles in the chest that are needed for breathing. The virus also can sometimes affect the parts of the brain that control breathing. When a polio victim develops breathing trouble, they need machines to help breathe for them.

1.Coriander Seeds benefits
Coriander is a great spice that adds taste to different types of foods. But did you know that it is a great home remedy for polio too? Well, it is; thus spice up your meals with the addition of coriander in your dish and also protect yourself and your family from polio.

2.Goji Tonic
Goji Tonic is not exactly an immune tonic, but it contains astragalus and herbs that protect organs from damage during chemotherapy.

3. Black pepper
Black pepper is not only a tasty spice but is also a great cure for polio. Hence, you can add pepper in your diet and make sure to make it a regular routine.

4.Physical therapy 
 Therapy helps to minimize damage to paralyzed muscles and to help people regain mobility as the acute illness resolves. Treatment for paralysis depends on which muscles are affected.

5.Measures to prevent urinary tract infections 
 If the bladder muscles do not contract normally, the bladder may not empty completely. This can lead to urinary infections. Using catheters to empty the bladder may be necessary, and long-term use of antibiotics is recommended in some cases.

Home Remedies for Polio, Natural Treaentmt of Polio, Polio Treaentmt at Home Home Remedies for Polio, Natural Treaentmt of Polio, Polio Treaentmt at Home Reviewed by JACK on 06:07:00 Rating: 5