Natural Eye Care Tips, Tips fo Eyes, Tips for Relax your Eyes

Natural tips for Eyes

Our eyes express our emotions and thoughts beautifully when words fail us. It’s our responsibility in turn to take care of them. In today’s world, with the work load and strenuous lifestyle, eyes have lost their natural beauty. You get dark circles, puffiness, redness, itchiness, wrinkles and what not. Even after waking up in the morning, your eyes look tired and dull because of the dark circles and under eye bags. Why spoil your delicate eye area with cosmetics?

 1.Eat for Good Vision

Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts, studies show. Regularly eating these foods can help lead to good eye health:-
Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards
Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources
Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
Eating a well-balanced diet also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which makes you less likely to get obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

2.Wear protective eyewear

 Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home. Protective eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. Most protective eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is 10 times stronger than other plastics. Many eye care providers sell protective eyewear, as do some sporting goods stores

3.Quit Smoking

Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. If you've tried to quit smoking before and started smoking again, keep trying. The more times you try to quit smoking, the more likely you are to succeed.


Cucumbers work wonders for tired eyes. Place two slices of cucumber over your eyes and rest for a while. Besides its cooling properties, it also helps to lighten dark circles.

5.Wear UV protective sunglasses

Always wear sunglasses when you are outside and the sun is shining. Look for sunglasses that have a sticker that specifies that the lenses block 99% or 100% of UVB and UVA rays.[9]
Prolonged exposure to UV rays can harm your eyesight, protection in youth can help prevent loss of eyesight in later years. Exposure to UV rays has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration, pinguecula and pterygium, harmful conditions for the eyes.[10]
Since the damage to eyes from UV rays builds up over a lifetime, it's important to shield children from harmful rays. Make sure your children wear hats and protective glasses when they are out in the sunlight for prolonged periods.
Be sure to wear sunglasses even if you're in the shade. Even though shade lessens UV and HEV exposure significantly, you're still exposing your eyes to UV rays reflected off of buildings and other structures.
Never stare directly into the sun even if you are wearing UV sunglasses. The sun’s rays are very powerful and can damage the sensitive parts of the retina if exposed to full sunlight.

6.Rose Water

Do they require a special mention when it comes to eye care tips? Multi-faceted and multi-talented, the rejuvenating features of rose water can be also effective to reduce dark circles!
Just apply cotton balls soaked in rose water on closed eyes for 15 minutes or so.
This method is considered to be one of the most popular and easiest cures for dark circles. This tip is so convenient that you can do it anywhere and everywhere, even if you are on a flight. Share this beauty tip with your friends also!

7.Get your eyes checked at least every two years

 A comprehensive eye exam, including dilating your pupils, can determine your risk for major eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, which has no early warning signs or symptoms. An eye exam also can ensure that your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses is up to date.

Natural Eye Care Tips, Tips fo Eyes, Tips for Relax your Eyes Natural Eye Care Tips, Tips fo Eyes, Tips for Relax your Eyes Reviewed by JACK on 08:31:00 Rating: 5