Surprising Benefits of Garlic in winter, Benefits of Garlic in winter

Benefits of Garlic in winter

Grown and used for thousands of years, garlic is in the allium family, along with onions, chives and leeks. Known as the ‘stinking rose,’ garlic gets its aroma from its sulfur-containing compounds. These are also in part why garlic so good for you.

To get the full advantages of garlic, it should be eaten fresh and raw. Many people can’t tolerate the taste of raw garlic; using it lightly cooked is better than not using it at all. There are, of course, powder, flake, paste and pill form, all of which have less to offer than fresh and raw. Just a note, if eating raw garlic, don’t overdo it, as it can cause stomach upset.

Surprising Benefits of Garlic in winter

1.Garlic prevents and treats colds
Packed with antioxidants, a daily dose of garlic in your recipes could benefit your immune system. If a cold does sneak by, try sipping garlic tea: steep chopped or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, then strain and drink. You can add a bit of honey or ginger to improve the taste.

2.Garlic Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Garlic has been used in China for many years as blood pressure medication. Additionally, the Japanese government officially recognized garlic as a blood-pressure depressor.

3.Grow beautiful hair with garlic
Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which were found to effectively treat hair loss. Rub sliced cloves of garlic on your scalp, squeezing as you go for the most benefit. You can also infuse oil with garlic and massage it into your scalp.

4.It May Lower Cancer Risk
People who consumed raw garlic at least twice a week experienced lower rates of lung cancer than those who consumed raw garlic less often, according to a seven-year study published in "Cancer Prevention Research" in July 2013. Garlic may also be beneficial for preventing or treating colon and pancreatic cancer, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center -- although research is still preliminary.

5.Soothe psoriasis with garlic
Since garlic has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it could be useful in relieving uncomfortable psoriasis outbreaks. Try rubbing a little garlic oil on the affected area for smooth, rash-free skin.

Surprising Benefits of Garlic in winter, Benefits of Garlic in winter Surprising Benefits of Garlic in winter, Benefits of Garlic in winter Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:06:00 Rating: 5