Super foods for Clean Liver, Foods To Naturally Cleanse Liver

Foods for Clean Liver

About Liver Disease?
Any disturbances in liver function that can lead to an illness of a person is known as liver disease. The liver is the organ responsible for a number of critical functions in the body. When they get injured or diseased it will affect the proper functioning of the body. Liver disease is otherwise known as hepatic disease. The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar, fat and iron. It produces bile which helps in fat digestion. It is also involved in protein production and the production of blood clotting factors. Symptoms of liver diseases include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, yellow discoloration of the skin known as Jaundice etc. It requires more than 75% of the liver tissues to be damaged to affect the function of the liver. The liver can easily regenerate the damaged cells but if more and 75% of the cells are lost, it may not be able to meet the needs of the body. Some liver problems can be treated with home remedies. Some may require medication and liver failure may require liver transplant.
Many foods can help cleanse, rejuvenate and detoxify your liver. This will help keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it to.

1. Garlic

Garlic is great for cleansing your liver. It helps activate enzymes in the liver that help clear out toxins. It also contains two natural compounds called allicin and selenium, which aid in the liver-cleansing process and protect the liver from toxic damage.
Moreover, garlic reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can overload the liver and hamper its functioning.
To promote liver health, use fresh raw garlic instead of processed, minced garlic or powder.
Eat 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves daily and include garlic in your cooking whenever possible.
You can also take garlic supplements, but only after consulting your doctor.

2.Papaya Fruit

Papaya fruit is an effective remedy for liver cirrhosis. This is one of the safest natural remedy for liver disease.
Add half teaspoon of lemon juice to two teaspoons of papaya juice and consume it every day
Take this mixture for three-four weeks to completely cure the problem.


Being a good source of vitamin C, pectin and antioxidants, grapefruit also aids the natural cleansing process of the liver.
It also contains glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and detoxifies the liver. Glutathione also helps in the detoxification of heavy metals. Moreover, the flavonoid naringenin in grapefruit helps break down fat.
Drink a small glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or enjoy the whole fruit with your breakfast daily.

4. Flaxseeds

Certain receptor sites normally bind hormones and keep them circulating in the blood. This exerts strain on the liver to filter out these excess hormones. Studies have found that the phytoconstituents in flaxseeds have the capacity to bind such receptor sites, preventing hormonal binding. This reduces the work load on the liver. 


Beetroots are another powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function. High in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene, they help stimulate and improve overall liver function. Moreover, beetroots are natural blood purifiers.
Simply add fresh beetroots or juice to your daily diet.
Make a powerful liver-cleansing salad with 1 cup of chopped or grated beetroots, 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil and the juice of ½ lemon. Mix all the ingredients together and eat 2 teaspoons of it every 2 hours during the day for a week.


The Indian gooseberry or amla  is known as one of the richest sources of vitamin C. What is less well-known is its ability to keep the liver functioning at optimal levels. This herb has been used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of sluggish liver; now researchers are finding in laboratory studies that extracts from amla have liver-protective function. However, there is no clear indication of whether it is useful to treat  hepatitis B infection. Amla is one of the important components in Chyawanpraash that has immunity boosting, digestive and liver-protective action.

7.Green Tea

By drinking green tea daily, you can help your body flush out toxins and fat deposits, while increasing hydration levels.
A 2002 study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that the catechins in tea help stimulate lipid catabolism in the liver. This in turn prevents fat accumulation in the liver. This healthy beverage also protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances like alcohol.
Green tea is also beneficial in treating or preventing liver disease. According to a 2009 study published in Cancer Causes and Control, people who drink green tea have a lower risk of developing liver cancer.
Drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily. If desired, sweeten your tea with honey.

Super foods for Clean Liver, Foods To Naturally Cleanse Liver Super foods for Clean Liver, Foods To Naturally Cleanse Liver Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 05:14:00 Rating: 5