Top 7 Home Remedies For Bird Flu , Natural Remedies For Bird Flu

Home Remedies For Bird Flu 

Avian, or bird flu virus, was confined primarily to birds, mostly chickens. Until then it was not considered a health threat to humans. Early cases in humans emerged in Hong Kong in 1997. Although the original bird flu was a rare strain, individuals may still be susceptible to another contagious avian flu epidemic. Why? A new bird flu pandemic has arisen in China including the original strain, now intensified with additional pathogens. There are no conventional treatments for avian flu; however herbs and home remedies protect against the flu and speed recovery in those who become ill.

1. Coneflower (Echinacea)
The traditional herbal cure for flu is Echinacea. Used by herbalists for centuries as a blood purifier and immune system stimulant, echinacea is an herbal star for strengthening the system. Echinacea is most effective when taken in liquid extract form.

Mullein is very useful in case of lung congestion which invariably occurs during a bout of bird flu. This herb helps in clearing the lungs of congestion and restores normal breathing. The best way to consume it is in the form of a tea made from the leaves.
However, the leaves have tiny hair like growths on them which get mixed into the tea water and it has to be strained at least twice to remove the hair. If you want to avoid this hassle, you can opt for the tincture of mullein, but this is extremely bitter.

Garlic is a potent natural medicine with outstanding ability to protect against and fight the flu. It is respected by herbalists and Chinese medical doctors and has been used for centuries for its anti-viral and antibiotic characteristics. Garlic is most potent when crushed first and then eaten raw or made into tea.

4.Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is well known for its antiviral properties and hence is excellent as one of the herbal remedies for bird flu. It has a great taste and hence can easily be administered to children and also used with other herbal concoctions to make them more palatable. You can take it every day either separately or with other remedies to see the difference.

The compound curcumin, from turmeric, is anti-inflammatory and relieves fever while reducing some of the lethal effects of the bird flu cytokine storm. This is a biological event expressed by an out-of-balance immune system. It involves certain inflammatory agents that become heightened during the bird flu, and persist in stimulating additional increases in similar immuno-agents; The compounding of one-upon-the-other of these inflammatory agents creates tremendous health risks, furthering the avian flu inflammation.

Elderberry is an excellent remedy for the symptoms of flu whether it is common influenza or bird flu. This berry can be consumed in the form of a tincture, syrup or cordial to help treat bird flu. This berry is an excellent anti viral and hence helps the patient to recover fast.
The best part of the remedy using elderberries is that they can be made using both fresh and dried berries. Hence if you are in a location where they are not available fresh, you can opt for the dried berries as herbal remedies for bird flu.

Sage is a well known herb used extensively for the treatment of various ailments including coughs and sore throat. Make a tea from the dried sage leaves and use this concoction to gargle with. Repeat the remedy three times a day till the time that the symptoms recede.
There is a word of caution for nursing women in that sage dries up breast milk. Otherwise it is great as one of the herbal remedies for bird flu.

Top 7 Home Remedies For Bird Flu , Natural Remedies For Bird Flu  Top 7 Home Remedies For Bird Flu , Natural Remedies For Bird Flu Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 19:59:00 Rating: 5