Amazing facts of green tea, Secrets Benefits of Green Tea
Amazing facts of green tea

The health benefits of green tea are primarily due to its antioxidant properties that come from its caffeine, Catechin Polyphenols and Theonine content. The major health benefits stemming from antioxidant effects are listed below.
1.Weight Loss
Believe it or not, but green tea also helps people lose weight by enhancing the rate of metabolism, thereby promoting a faster consumption of the fat storage of the body. Recently, green tea has replaced many other beverages in the western world as its helps in weight loss, and obesity is still a chronic problem in many places. Drink a cup or two of green tea every morning and you are bound to lose a few pounds of excess weight over a week or so.
Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, This is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.
If not taken with sugar, the alkaline nature of green tea helps to reduce the blood glucose level. Moreover, the antioxidant and astringent qualities of green tea ensure good health and better functioning of the pancreas. Improving the function of the pancreas means a more efficient and regulated secretion of insulin and the subsequent improvement in decomposing and absorbing of sugar. This increase in effective functions can help prevent the onset of diabetes.
4.It May Help Prevent Cancer
The antioxidants in green tea encourage healthy cell regeneration, which in turn can help ward off certain types of cancer. Several recent studies have shown that drinking just two cups of green tea a day can decrease your risk of lung cancer by almost 20%, and that the more green tea you drink, the lesser the #chance you’ll develop cancers of the digestive system.
5.Stamina & Endurance Booster
You can prove this quality to yourself quite easily. Just have a cup of hot green tea after some rigorous exercise and within no time, you will be ready for a few more sets. Furthermore, it effectively counters muscular pain due to overexertion of muscles. Although green tea isn’t as widely publicized for western athletes due to the dominant energy drink companies in the market, if you visit Japan & China, you will see that green tea is the premiere beverage used by practitioners of martial arts and various other sports.
6.It May Help Prevent Heart Disease
Several recent studies, including one encouraging Dutch study, have suggested that drinking green tea daily can help prevent coronary disease, or mitigate its severity. But how? Researchers think it has to do with the dilatory effects of green tea’s antioxidants, making blood vessels less prone to clogging.
7. It Ccan Help Prevent Stroke
Those same dilatory effects of green tea’s antioxidants also lead to this fact about green tea. The clogged vessels that can cause serious strokes are also made more flexible and less prone to clogging by drinking green tea regularly.
8. It Helps Stave Off Dementia
Take those dilatory powers of green tea, and you have yet another amazing fact about green tea and its antioxidants: they also keep blood flowing to the brain, delaying the onset and reducing the severity of dementia.
9.Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells.
10.Tooth Decay
Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions
Amazing facts of green tea, Secrets Benefits of Green Tea
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni