Best 5 Secret Uses of Lemon
Health Secrets of Lemons

Here are some of the best secret uses of lemons where you might need to call this a miracle fruit.
1.Abolish Acne
Lemon contains citric acid, which can be effective in treating acne. The vitamin C found in citrus fruits is vital for that healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. In addition to drinking lemon juice with water first thing in the morning, here are some suggestions on how to prepare a homemade acne treatment using lemon:
· With your finger or a cotton ball, apply fresh lemon juice on acne and leave it overnight. Wash with water the following morning. There may be an uncomfortable sensation of burning at first, but it will soon disappear.
· Mix one part of freshly squeezed lemon juice with an equal part of rose or honey water. Put the mixture on affected areas for at least half an hour. Wash it afterwards with water. This application should be repeated twice daily, ideally in the morning and the evening.
2.Lighten Discolored Armpits and Elbows
Discoloration and hyperpigmentation happens to people when there is more melanin in their skin. The more melanin a person has in their skin, the darker it will be. Since lemon acts as a bleaching agent, rubbing a cut lemon on armpits or elbows will help to lighten the skin in those areas.
3.Lighten Your Hair
Skip the dye. This is a perfect and gradual remedy for those sunny summer days. Mix the juice from four lemons with ¼ cup of warm water, put it in a spray bottle, and spray it in your hair until it's damp. Make sure you only expose your hair to the sun for about 30-60 minutes, depending on how light you want to make it. After you’re done, take a shower and use conditioner, as lemon juice can sometimes dry out your hair.
4.Help in removing blackhead, acne, and make your skin more radiant.
This is due to the vitamin C in lemon which can rejuvenate the skin from within. Its alkaline nature kills some type of bacteria known to cause acne. To remove acne, apply fresh lemon juice on acne part and leave it overnight. Rinse it on the following morning.
5.Stops Dandruff
This remedy needs 1 tbsp of lemon juice which should be applied on we hair. Follow this with a shampoo, and then apply a mix of 2 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 cups of water. Do this every 2 day or three and there will be no dandruff.
Best 5 Secret Uses of Lemon
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni