Benefits of Spinach Juice for Hair, Amazing Benefits of Spinach Juice

Amazing Benefits of Spinach Juice 

Proper nutrition is vital for getting luxurious hair. For this purpose, it is important to have a balanced diet which provides you with the required nutrients. Spinach occupies an important place in this regard as it is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that promote healthy hair. Regular consumption of spinach can offer the following benefits to your hair.

1.Maintains Hair Health
Eating spinach regularly helps in maintaining the health of hair as well as it also stimulates the hair growth.

2.Rich Source of Minerals and Vitamins
Spinach has variety of nutrients like minerals and vitamins which are the vital component for the hair growth. Vitamins A and C helps in producing the sebum whereas Vitamin E boosts the scalp circulation.

3.Hair Loss
Hair loss is often caused due to the deficiency of iron. This mineral strengthens the hair strands by enabling the blood cells to carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Deficiency of iron causes anemia which results in hair loss among other adverse effects. Spinach is rich in folate and iron. While folate aids the creation of red blood cells, iron helps them carry oxygen, thus combating hair loss.

4.Spinach smoothie
If you do not prefer applying spinach hair masks on your hair, you have the option of drinking spinach juice. But most of the people do not like the taste of spinach and thus avoid having it. If you too do not like the taste of spinach, you can try making spinach smoothie and have it. When you make smoothie, you blend it with tasty and delicious fruits and this way the taste of spinach is not felt.

To make spinach smoothie, take spinach as well as banana and papaya, and wash them well. Now put them in a blender and add milk. Blend well so that you get a delicious smoothie of proper consistency. Have this smoothie every day in the morning, before you have your breakfast. Within a week you will start getting positive results. Spinach helps in making your hair strong and smooth and also increases the growth of your hair. Banana and papaya in the smoothie helps in providing you a glowing skin. The smoothie that you make with spinach, banana and papaya is tasty as well as very healthy.

5. Promotes Hair Growth
Spinach is a super food comprising of vitamins B, C and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids all of which are required for healthy hair growth. Iron helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to hair follicles which is essential for healthy hair growth and strong strands.

6.Spinach Mixed with Hair Oil
Grind half cup spinach whether boiled or raw and separate the pulp. Mix this spinach pulp with your regular oil, I’ll recommend you to use olive oil as it is good for hair growth. Apply this mixture on hair for about one hour and then rinse off with regular shampoo and conditioner. This mixture will stimulate hair growth and this pack will also nourish your hair deeply. If you have dry or frizzy hair then this mixture will work like a charm on your hair.

7.Spinach Hair Pack
Take 1 cup of spinach leaves mix it with 1 tbsp of honey and oil (you can use olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil). Blend this mixture in a blender, make sure the paste is neither too thick not too runny. The consistency should be appropriate so that application becomes easy and rinsing it off is also easy. Once the mixture is ready, apply it on scalp and hair. Keep this mixture for half-an-hour to one hour and then wash off with regular shampoo.

Benefits of Spinach Juice for Hair, Amazing Benefits of Spinach Juice Benefits of Spinach Juice for Hair, Amazing Benefits of Spinach Juice Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 04:48:00 Rating: 5