Spinach Smoothie for weight loss
Spinach Smoothie for weight loss tips

Spinach leaves help in weight reduction as it is low in calories and fat. It is very nutritious and has a good quality of fat soluble dietary fibre. This fibre aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar and curbs overeating. Thus, this leafy vegetable is often recommended to dieters because in dieting, it is important to avoid repetitive eating.
Spicy Pear Spinach and Strawberry Smoothie
Pears are high in carbohydrates but low in calories, that makes it the perfect pre and post workout food that improves lean muscle mass and reduces the craving for unhealthy foods by increasing satiety that makes it a perfect ingredient for weight loss juices. A medium sized pear contains only 100 calories and has 6 grams of fiber that takes time to break down in the stomach and keeps blood sugar under control by constantly releasing a controlled amount of glucose in the blood stream.
But you must be wondering, why it is called the Spicy Smoothie, because none of these ingredients are spicy.
This is because, we are going to add a dash of cayenne pepper on top of the smoothie to give it a spicy and hot twist that also promotes fat burning through thermogenesis.
Pear – 1
Spinach – 1 Handful
Strawberries – 1 Cup
Cayenne Pepper – A Pinch
Peel the skin and remove the seeds from the pear, chop the spinach and strawberries and add all the ingredients in the food processor, add 1/4th cup of water to it, blend well, pour in a glass and enjoy in the evening.
The best way to maximize the effectiveness of these juices is to substitute them with other solid foods during breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and have a healthy and active lifestyle to burn fat and have a fit body.
Spinach Smoothie for weight loss
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni