Home Remedies Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease), Natural Treatment of Heart Disease
Home Remedies Coronary Artery Disease

Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Not only is it responsible for pumping blood to all the parts of your body, but is also responsible of recirculating deoxygenated blood and then recirculating it once it is oxygentated. Any trouble with this organ can lead to a host of ailments, including a heart attack and even death. While, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your heart healthy, here are 6 natural ways to give your heart a helping hand.
1.Arjuna For Coronary Artery Disease

Terminalia arjuna is an important Ayurvedic herb for heart conditions. It is considered a natural cardio-tonic and cardiac restorative. The herb strengthens the cardiac muscle, reduces arterial congestion and lowers blood pressure.
A study by researchers at Kasturba Medical College in India found that this herb helped reduce angina attacks by 30 percent. Moreover, prolonged use of this herb did not have any adverse effects.
Add one-half teaspoon of arjuna tree bark powder and a little honey to a glass of warm water. Drink this three times daily for a few months.
Alternatively, you can take this herb in supplement form in doses of 500 mg every eight hours daily. Continue this natural treatment for three months.
2.Garlic (Lahsun) For Coronary Artery Disease

One of India’s wonder plants, garlic has a host of medicinal properties that make it a truly miraculous herb.
Studies have found that a single clove of garlic consumed every day can help to reduce the production of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, raise the production of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and also keep blood pressure within normal limits.
Some researchers have also found that people who are regular consumers of garlic are more likely to have better blood circulation and lesser chances of harmful blood platelet aggregation.(Read more benefits of garlic )
3.Chinese Hibiscus For Coronary Artery Disease

Researchers from Taiwan found that an extract of hibiscus flowers had anti-atherosclerosis activity.
They believe that hibiscus contains antioxidant compounds that help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, that contributes to atherosclerosis and heart disease.
An infusion prepared from this herb is also believed to help regulate high blood pressure.
Boil two petals of a hibiscus flower in one cup of water.
Strain and add one teaspoon of raw honey.
Drink this once daily for a few weeks.
4.Turmeric For Coronary Artery Disease

Studies indicate that turmeric can help prevent atherosclerosis. Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin that helps maintain heart health by reducing cholesterol oxidation, plaque buildup and clot formation.
Plus, it helps lower LDL and provides anti-inflammatory benefits. Being a potent antioxidant, it also neutralizes free radicals that contribute to aging and several chronic diseases.
Use turmeric regularly in your cooking.
You can also boil one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one cup of water or milk. Drink it once or twice daily for several weeks to a few months.
Another option is to take this herb in supplement form. The general dosage is 400 to 600 mg of standardized curcumin powder supplement three times daily. Consult your doctor for the proper dosage suitable for your case.(Read more benefits of turmeric )
5.Cayenne (Lal Mirch) For Coronary Artery Disease

You probably use cayenne to spice up your curries but did you know that it’s also good for the heart?
This spice contains a substance called capsaicin that has been shown to improve the elasticity of the blood vessels, helping them stay healthy. More importantly, it reduces the chances of blood clot formation and also lowers levels of LDL cholesterol.
Overall, cayenne improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and keeps blood pressure within the normal range.
6.Fenugreek For Coronary Artery Disease

Fenugreek has antioxidant and cardio-protective benefits. It is excellent for reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, thanks to its strong modulating effect on blood lipid levels.
It also reduces platelet aggregation, thus decreasing the risk of abnormal blood clotting associated with heart attacks and strokes. Plus, it helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar and excess fat.
Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
The next morning, eat the soaked seeds on an empty stomach.
Do this daily for a few months.(Read More Benefits of fenugreek seeds )
7.Ginger (Adrak) For Coronary Artery Disease

Although it’s best known for its digestive and anti-flatulent properties, ginger is increasingly gaining recognition as a herb that promotes heart health.
Studies have shown that ginger is capable of preventing formation of clots, improving blood circulation and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. In fact, certain laboratory studies have found ginger to be more effective than the drug aspirin as a blood clot preventer.
Home Remedies Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease), Natural Treatment of Heart Disease
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni