Natural Remedies for yeast infection
Home Remedies for yeast infection

Yeast live in the vagina all the time in small, harmless numbers. But when these fungi grow out of control, the resulting itchiness, burning, and redness are extremely uncomfortable. In some cases, a thick, white, odorless discharge, resembling cottage cheese, also appears. Lactobacillus bacteria (a healthy type) normally keep the vagina's pH and yeast levels in check. But the balance can be tipped by antibiotics, corticosteroids, uncontrolled diabetes, or raised estrogen levels from birth control or pregnancy. Yet, in many cases, there's no easily identified culprit for the pesty yeast infection.
1.Coconut oil for Yeast Infections

Coconut oil is rich in several ingredients that have antimicrobial and antifungal properties, reports Home Remedies for Life. These ingredients (lauric, capric and caprylic acid) may help target bad bacteria while leaving friendly bacteria alone. Try adding coconut oil to your diet or apply a thin paste of coconut oil to the vaginal area several times a day.
2.Boric acid for Yeast Infections

This crystalline chemical substance has mild antiseptic properties. Boric acid suppository capsules appear to be quite successful in treating yeast infections, according to several studies. Pregnant woman should not use boric acid vaginally. There are also tiny boric acid pellets to put under the tongue. You can also find borax capsules to use vaginally.
3.Garlic for Yeast Infections

Another common remedy for yeast infections is to eat several fresh garlic cloves each day. While this will probably give you bad breath, it will also help clear up your yeast infection. This works because garlic has natural anti-fungal properties and is a well-known anti-bacterial and natural antibiotic.
4.Yogurt for Yeast Infections

Lactobacillus acidophilus, a “friendly” strain of bacteria present in yogurt, can control the growth of infection in the body. For treating a yeast infection, only use plain, unsweetened yogurt.
You can externally apply plain yogurt on the affected skin area and let it sit for at least 20 to 30 minutes, or preferebly overnight. This will help relieve the itching sensation.
For a vaginal yeast infection, dip a tampon in yogurt and then insert it in the vagina for two hours. Do this twice a day.
Also include yogurt in your diet plan.
5.Oral Antifungal for Yeast Infections
For 5% of women, vaginal yeast infections are chronic, returning at least 4 times a year. In a study at Wayne State University School of Medicine, women with a history of recurrent episodes took the oral antifungal fluconazole (Diflucan) weekly for 6 months; during that time, the rate of recurring infection dropped 90%. Six months afterward, 43% were considered cured, compared with 22% of those taking a placebo. (Maintenance therapy with OTC creams, although messier than pills, has also been found effective.)
Natural Remedies for yeast infection
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni