Top 15 Benefits Of Licorice Root Tea
Top 15 Benefits Of Licorice Root Tea

Here Are 15 Benefits Of Licorice Root Tea
1.Improves The Skin TextureLicorice root when consumed as licorice tea benefits the skin by moisturizing it and hydrating all the skin pores. It can even give a fair complexion to the skin since it Controls the increased melanin production in the skin.
2.Controls The Skin TroublesLicorice root tea in a cooled state helps in Controling various skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, rashes and dryness. It is anti-inflammatory and reduces the redness, itching and promotes faster healing.
3.Controls The Dandruff
Licorice tea contains moisturizing agents which keep the skin of the scalp moisturized. It calms the dry and irritated skin of the scalp and Controls the dandruff to set in. This can help control the hair fall to a major extent. Mix this tea with some drops of coconut oil and massage for some time. Wash it off after one hour.
4.Good For Hair GrowthIts topical use and oral use of this herbal tea is helpful in stimulating the hair follicles to produce new hair strands. This is also effective in giving the hair a denser and shinier look. Prepare a hair mask by mixing licorice with amla and henna and apply it on the hair for some time to get radiant, lush tresses.
5.Relieves The DepressionThe licorice tea is helpful in Controling the depression problems. It helps in stimulating the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol, which is the chief hormone to combat the feelings of stress, anxiety, fatigue, tiredness. It acts as an inducer of good thoughts and elevates the energy levels of the body.
6.Controls Low Blood Pressure ProblemsLicorice root tea is helpful in Controling lower blood pressure by avoiding the stress and fatigue. It acts as energy inducer and pumps blood at a faster rate. This helps in building the blood pressure levels to the desired values.
7.Helps To Control Cold
It is a natural Control for all the respiratory problems such as cold and cough. Its expectorating properties ensure that the nasal passage is clear and the cough does not get accumulated in the lungs. It also boosts the natural body immunity and wards off the pathogenic bacteria and virus to cause diseases in the body.
8.Anti-InflammatoryIt helps to decrease the pain and inflammation of the conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It reduces the swelling of the tissue and increases the joint mobility.
9.Controls The Heart DiseasesLicorice tea is effective in maintaining the cholesterol levels of the body. As a result, the blood lipid profile is maintained. Also, it is a strong antioxidant. This Controls the plaque from being accumulated and attached to the walls of the arteries. This ensures a proper blood circulation in the body and reduces the risk of various cardiac disorders.
10.Stimulates The DigestionThe root extracts are a powerful stimulant of the digestive system and it also soothes the gastric lining from the effect of various bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms. This property not only relieves the mucous layer from any irritation, but also terminates the problems of constipation and indigestion.
11.Good For DiabeticsThis root extracts are wonderful sugar substitutes. While preparing tea, just add licorice instead of normal sugar to give it the sweetness. It will give the taste without raising the blood sugar levels.
12.Helps To Lose WeightLicorice root tea helps to lose weight in an effective manner. It improves the body metabolism and keeps the cellular processes active. This way it can help the obese individuals to shed their extra kilos along with a proper diet and exercise.
13.Helps To Control The Menopausal SymptomsIt is full of antioxidant and phytoestrogens, and thus it gives added benefits to curb the symptoms associated with menopause, such as mood swings, hot flashes, bloating and fatigue. About two cups of this tea daily help women to cross this phase in a stress free way.
14.Controls The Dental ProblemsLicorice tea has extracts which Controls the gingival bleeding problems. It also Controls the accumulation of dental plaque and avoids the teeth from getting carious.
15.Controls The Canker SoresCanker sores are a painful condition which is a form of apthous ulcers. They usually appear on the tongue, or the buccal mucosa. Warm licorice tea when used as a gargle, contains extracts which can help thwart away the microbes and provides a quick relief from all the painful and inflamed sores.
Top 15 Benefits Of Licorice Root Tea
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni