Top 7 Home Remedies for dermatographic urticaria
Top 7 Home Remedies for dermatographic urticaria

Dermatographic Urticaria can be relieved through acupuncture
This type of alternative medicine is used to relief a wide range of conditions and to soothe pain. Although study research is inconsistent, it is believed that acupuncture can help relieve dermatographic urticaria. The common acupuncture points could be spleen 10 and large intestine 11. There are various types of acupuncture available, including sham procedures that rely on the placebo effect to cure dermatographic urticaria.
A study involving patients suffering from chronic urticaria chose forty patients that were divided into two groups. One of the groups received the real acupuncture treatment, while the other one received the sham procedure for three weeks. The results pointed out that the majority of the patients who benefited from the real treatment were met with a remission of their symptoms. The study discovered that the best results were noticed in the third week following the treatment. Researchers also noted that the beneficial effects of acupuncture increase with each session.
2. Lukewarm showersIn order to protect your body from extreme temperatures, avoid taking baths or showers that are too hot or too cold. Dermatographic urticaria reacts to firm stroking, but could also be facilitated by sudden changes in temperatures. In the same vein, you should avoid saunas, jacuzzis and going out in freezing temperatures, when possible.
3. Hypo-allergenic productsDermatographic urticaria is connected to sensitive skin that needs special care. Try to choose hypo-allergenic products that don’t contain harsh soaps or harmful chemicals. Avoid scrubbing the skin and use a patting motion for moisturizing. It hasn’t been proven that patients that suffer from dermatographic urticaria should only use hypo-allergenic products, however, since the causes of the condition are still being studied, it’s best not to take any chances with harsh chemicals.
4. Apple cider vinegarFor a topical use, apple cider vinegar is the ideal candidate for soothing dermatographic urticaria. It has a cooling, soothing effect and it has unique antihistamine properties that relieve inflammation on the spot. Additionally, apple cider vinegar has the ability to regulate the immune system’s response.
There are two ways you can use apple cider vinegar. You can add two cups of vinegar to a tub filled with warm water. Use this technique and soak in the water and apple cider vinegar bath on a daily basis for fifteen to twenty minutes. The second method involves diluting one part apple cider vinegar in one part water and washing down the problem areas a couple of times per day.
5. OatmealOats don’t only make for a nutritious breakfast, they are also great for topical use. Oatmeal has soothing, anti-irritating abilities that make it a great home remedy for dermatographic urticaria. Topical application instantly relieves itching and wheals.
To use this remedy, mix two cups ground oatmeal with one cup baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture in a tub filled with warm water. Be sure to give it a stir before you soak in the water. You can repeat the process on a daily basis and soak for fifteen minutes.
6. Aloe veraThere is barely anything more soothing and calming than aloe vera. This universal natural remedy boasts antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties that help relief redness and calm down irritation. Great for topical use, aloe vera can also be taken internally. This stimulates immunity and eliminates inflammatory toxins.
Using aloe vera for topical applications is simple. Fresh aloe vera works best, so if you have your own plant, choose a plump leaf and break it in two. Use the gel for immediate application on the irritated skin. You can leave the treatment on for up to fifteen minutes and then follow up with a gentle rinse.
For internal use, aloe vera juice can be consumed on a daily basis. The nutrients it contains help boost the immune system. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid this treatment.
7. NettlesAlthough this might seem counterintuitive, nettles are a highly recommended alternative treatment for dermatographic urticaria. The unique properties that qualify it as a great remedy are the anti-inflammatory and antihistamine abilities. Nettles have the power to relieve itching and swelling.
Nettle tea can be made by using a tablespoon of dry nettles leaves to one cup of water. Steep the herbs up to fifteen minutes and sweeten the tea with a teaspoon of honey. You can also take nettle supplements, but you should consult a doctor beforehand.
Top 7 Home Remedies for dermatographic urticaria
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni