Top 3 Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor

Top 3 Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor 

  1. Take extra virgin olive oil and add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to make a mixture of oil. Apply this mixture on affected part of skin and leave for 20 minutes. Follow this remedy until you notice decrease in White patches on your skin.
  2. Take fresh garlic cloves and extract juice. Directly apply this juice to the area affected by tinea versicolor. Wait for several minutes then take a shower with fresh water.
  3. Application of plain yogurt can also be very good to treat tinea versicolor. Just apply plain yogurt on affected part of skin and leave it for a few minutes. Then rinse with water and keep doing the remedy until you get desired results.
Top 3 Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor Top 3 Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 05:28:00 Rating: 5