Top 3 Poison Sumac Remedies

Top 3 Poison Sumac Remedies

  1. Washing the entire body and other objects that may come into contact with poisonous trees should be very first step to treat this allergy. Make use of good antibiotic soap and water and keep washing your body for 20 to 30 minutes. Also make it sure that all of your shoes, clothes and other accessories are well cleaned of poisonous oil extracted from these trees and causes itchy rashes.
  2. Cold compress and massage can also be very good to treat itchy rashes as a result of poison sumac. Just take ice cubes and rub them gently over your entire body to get soothe from severe itchy rash.
  3. Apply ample amont of zink oxide to prevent appearing skin blisters
Top 3 Poison Sumac Remedies Top 3 Poison Sumac Remedies Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 05:00:00 Rating: 5