DIY Home remedies for various diseases

Coronavirus Prevention: Ayurvedic doctor shares ways you can boost ...

1. Eat right
 A balanced diet can furnish your body with the necessary nutrients and help it prevent a lot of diseases.

2. Get enough rest
Sleeping for 7-8 hours regularly boosts your immunity and prevents you from infections. Research suggests that if you skip even one night’s good sleep, your body is more susceptible to ailments.

3. Moderate exercise can be a boon
 Rigorous exercising can weaken the immune system by decreasing the number of fighter cells or white blood cells. On the contrary, brisk walking for at least 20 minutes on a regular basis can prevent you from a number of ailments.

4. Get exposed to sunlight
 This natural source of vitamin D is one of the best ways to prevent diseases.

5. Grab some fresh air
 Just like sunlight, fresh air boosts our immunity and oxygen heals our body.

6. Say no to tobacco and alcohol
 Alcoholism leads to a weak immune system and smoking causes respiratory issues. Abstain from them for staying fit and healthy.

7. Get some probiotics
 Fermented products like milk, tempeh, kefir, kimchi, pickles etc are excellent sources of beneficial bacteria that boost the immune system.

8. Garlic
Raw garlic has ample antimicrobial properties and prevents the body from a number of nagging ailments like seasonal cough and cold, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.

9. Take more vitamin C
It is a known fact that vitamin C prevents our body from frequent ailments. So, have more citrus fruits like lime, lemons, etc. to stay fit for the longest time.

10. Reduce your sugar intake
This “white poison” should be abandoned completely to stay immune to frequent infections. Research suggests that stopping your sugar intake completely during infection helps you recover faster.

11. Pomegranate
 This storehouse of antioxidants is one of the potent immunity boosters that prevent you from several ailments.

12. Reduce caffeine intake
You might be a coffee-lover but the bad news is that caffeine will make you more stressed by increasing the adrenaline hormone in your blood and give you sleepless nights. Hence, making your body more prone to infections

13. Stay hydrated
70% of our body is filled with water so drinking sufficient water is mandatory. Coconut water is also the best way to boost your immunity as it contains several essential minerals.

14. Have green tea
This storehouse of antioxidants and polyphenols is the easiest way to protect your body from the attacks of diseases.

15. Honey
This is one of nature’s best gifts to mankind and irrespective of your age, honey can strengthen your weakened immune system, all thanks to the antioxidants and antimicrobial properties it has.

Thus, following these simple steps can surely cut down your regular visits to the doctor’s chamber.
DIY Home remedies for various diseases DIY Home remedies for various diseases Reviewed by JACK on 17:06:00 Rating: 5