Reduce Eye Strain In Lockdown At Home Easily

Are you suffering from headaches of late? Then eye strain and dry eyes could be the reason as we are using laptops and mobiles more.

Our mental health has been going for a toss during this Coronavirus led lockdown. And not just mental health, it is also impacting our other organs as well. We have been self-quarantining to flatten the COVID-19 spread and it has led working from our couch, spending more than usual time over phones, more small-screen texting, more browsing of social media, web series, and FaceTiming. But did you know increased screentime can also increase dry eye syndrome and headaches?

Although 13 percent of those who tested positive for coronavirus experienced headaches, it has not been confirmed as an official symptom by the NHS, and with the majority of us spending more time on electronics than usual this could likely be the cause of our headaches.

How can eye strain lead to headaches?

Strained eyes and dry eyes can trigger headaches. Digre said, "If your eyes become dry or painful, it sends a pain signal to your brain and also to the same area of your brain that deals with migraine headaches."

If you are getting a lot of head pain, then you may be more visually sensitive, especially to blue lights that emit from devices. Aside from the head pain, people may also feel dizziness. She revealed that after long periods of eye strain and then suddenly looking up can give you transient dizziness. Another reason for the headaches could be uncorrected myopia and hypermetropia.

Now that we are all working from home and spending a lot more time behind screens these headaches are likely to increase. One thing you can do which may help prevent these types of screen-related headaches are to invest in blue light blocking glasses.

Blue light is the harmful light transmitted from screens such as a computer, phone, and iPad and if used excessively it can cause headaches and eye issues.

How to keep eyes healthy?

1. 20-20-20 Rule

Often eye strain occurs when you engage in a single activity for too long a time without a break. You should shift your focus to something other than the activity every 20 minutes. What you focus on should be 20 feet away, and you should look at it for at least 20 seconds. This is known as the 20-20-20 rule.

You should not only look away every 20 minutes but also make sure to turn away from an intense activity for several hours during the day.

2. Correctly Choose Your Screen's Position

Make sure you’re looking at your digital device at the correct distance and in the proper position. The screen should be a few feet away from your eyes, or about arm’s length. You should view the screen at the level of your eyes or slightly below them.

3. Eye Drops

Intense focus, particularly when viewing a screen, can result in a dramatic reduction in how many times you blink per minute. When you blink less, your eyes can get dry and irritated. You can resolve this with the use of eye drops like artificial tears.

4. Invest On Eyewear

Work with your doctor to determine if you need special eyewear to reduce eyestrain. You may even need specialized lenses, devices, or eye therapy for the activity that causes strain. Certain coatings and tints for lenses may help your eyes. Or you may find that you need to cut the time you wear contact lenses to help rest your eyes.

5. Improve The Air Quality Of Your Space

Some changes that may help prevent dry eyes include using a humidifier, adjusting the thermostat to reduce blowing air, and avoiding smoke. If you smoke, consider quitting. Moving your chair to a different area may help reduce the amount of dry moving air on your eyes and face.

6. Blink More Often

Many people blink less than usual when working at a computer, which can contribute to dry eyes. Blinking produces tears that moisten and refresh your eyes. Try to make it a habit to blink more often when looking at a monitor.

7. Adjust Lights

Bright lighting and too much glare can strain your eyes and make it difficult to see objects on your monitor. The worst problems are generally from sources above or behind you, including fluorescent lighting and sunlight. Consider turning off some or all of the overhead lights.
Reduce Eye Strain In Lockdown At Home Easily Reduce Eye Strain In Lockdown At Home Easily Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 12:30:00 Rating: 5