Top Tested Ways To Stop Hair Loss In Men

Hair loss is one of the most common problems worldwide; affecting one-third of the population. Everyone loses 100 hair stands each day. It is a natural phenomenon; so there’s is no need to worry over a few follicles falling off. There could be many causes of hair loss which include diet, mineral deficiency, medications, stress, pollution, and genetics. Putting on a cap, hat, or helmet could also be another reason in men. Here’s our list of 20 solutions to help reduce or deal with hair loss.

1. Keep your head sweat-free

Men with oily hair, experience dandruff during summer due to sweating, and the chances of hair fall increases. Using shampoos that contain aloe vera and neem can keep the head cool and prevent dandruff.
Also, men who wear helmet experience major hair loss in summer. As the sweat accumulates in the pores and weakens hair roots causing hair loss in men. So wearing a scarf/ bandanna over your hair or a terry cloth headband can prevent hair loss.

2. Protein

Hair follicles are made mostly of a protein called keratin. One 2017 study of 100 people with hair loss noted several nutritional deficiencies in participants, including amino acids that serve as the building blocks of protein.

While researchers note that more studies are needed, eating a diet rich in protein may help prevent hair loss. Healthy choices include foods like eggs, nuts, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken, and turkey.

3. Shampoo

It is extremely important to understand your scalp type and choose the right shampoo. Also, you need to wash your hair depending upon your scalp. For instance, over washing hair with dry scalp can lead to hair fall, or not washing oily locks thrice a week can lead to the same.

Further, make sure the shampoo is not loaded with chemicals including sulfate, paraben, and silicone that can make your tresses brittle and hence, prone to breakage.

4. Coconut Hair Spa

Did you know that the proteins present in Coconut Milk rapidly promote hair growth? Probably one of the best natural remedies for hair fall, all you gotta do to stop hair thinning in its tracks is apply fresh Coconut Milk to your scalp, ideally with the help of a hairbrush. Keep your head covered in a towel for 20 minutes and then wash it off with water. Don’t wanna take a route that lengthy? Busy souls can swear by the Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Deep Conditioning Protein Pack.

5. Fenugreek seeds with curd

Fenugreek is a versatile seed. Not only does it add heat and flavor to your dishes, but it also provides nourishment to your scalp. You can read about its benefits here and if your concern is hair fall specifically, try the following home remedy.

Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and drain the water (don’t throw away this water, add it to your plants). Grind the seeds into a paste and mix it with curd. Massage your scalp with this hair mask, leave it on for 15 minutes, and wash away with a chemical-free shampoo.

6. Onion Juice

Another home remedy that I have had success with! Onion juice is an excellent conditioner and regular use can help control hair fall. 

One warning—make sure you wash the towel immediately unless you want it to smell like onions.

Cut and peel half an onion (for hair that falls below the shoulder) and blend it into a paste. Add some water if need be. Apply the pack from roots to the tips of your hair. Put on a shower cap for about 15 minutes and wash away with a chemical-free shampoo.

7. Green Tea Rinse

Yep, the cup of Green Tea that wakes you up every morning can also bring back life to your limp, deadlocks. Here’s how Green Tea can make for an excellent hair regrowth home treatment. Steep two to three tea bags in two cups of hot water. Now pour this cooled concoction over your hair and scalp while gently massaging at the roots, before rinsing off with water. Ain’t got no time? The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Refreshingly Purifying Shampoo works equally well.

8. Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine, and potassium, all of which are essential for healthy hair growth. Besides, it acts as a detoxification agent by helping keep the scalp clean.

1. Boil 7-8 beetroot leaves and grind along with 5-6 henna leaves.
2. Apply this paste on your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and to boost hair growth. It is also effective in reducing problems of scalp like itching and flaking.

1. Take the stalk of Aloe Vera and extract the pulp.
2. Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it for about 45 minutes.
3. Rinse with normal water. You can do this three to four times a week to see better results.

10. Essential oils

Essential oils may help reduce hair loss. A 1998 study divided 86 people with alopecia areata into two groups, one of which cedarwood oil mixed with lavender and rosemary into their scalps. After seven months, 43 percent of that group showed improvement in their condition.

Other essential oils to consider include lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint. Try mixing couple drops of any or all of these oils with a couple tablespoons of carrier oil, like jojoba or grapeseed, and apply to the scalp for 10 minutes before washing.

11. Keep yourself hydrated

The hair shaft comprises one-quarter water so drink at least four to eight cups of water in a day to stay hydrated and for the growth of healthy hair.

12. Amla Hair Pack

Amla, or the Indian Gooseberry, is rich in Vitamin C and hence strengthens hair follicles like nobody’s business. One of the best natural hair loss treatments, this beauty also prevents premature greying. Mix a paste of Amla powder and Lime juice and apply it on your scalp. Avoid the mask from drying by covering your head with a shower cap and then wash it as usual. On another note, you could also use the AuraVedic Hair Fall Control Oil with Amla.

Top Tested Ways To Stop Hair Loss In Men Top Tested Ways To Stop Hair Loss In Men Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 11:48:00 Rating: 5